In a mist- filled forest, a pale girl with silver- white hair stands hauntingly still. Her white blouse, splattered with dark red stains, contrasts starkly with her ghostly skin. A simple black five- pointed star is visible on her chest, adding an unsettling graphic element. Her eyes glow with an intense crimson light, piercing through the dimness. Around her, twelve wild animals create a tense, surreal circle. A black panther crouches nearby, its fur blending with the darkness, while its eyes reflect an eerie red. Two owls perched on branches survey the scene with glowing red eyes. A large snake, with blue- black iridescent scales, coils around a tree branch, its gaze menacing. The girl holds cardboard sign reading "We Come in Peace". The swampy ground is covered in mist, with refracted light casting shifting shadows, adding to the eerie, realistic quality of the scene