"A hyper- realistic, surreal portrait of a peacock in a vibrant, techno- infused natural setting. The peacock’s tail is a mesmerizing fusion of nature and artificiality, made entirely of pizza slices with glowing, neon edges. The eyespots on the tail feathers are represented by holographic salami slices that pulse with digital light patterns, giving off a futuristic vibe. The peacock’s feathers have metallic sheens and circuitry patterns subtly integrated into the design, blurring the line between organic and synthetic. In the background, a cardboard sign hangs from a nearby branch with the words 'Buzz 4 Pizza!' scrawled in bold, graffiti- style text. The environment is a chaotic mix of lush greenery and digital glitch effects, with pixelated leaves and flickering lights. The image captures a wild, dystopian mockery of nature, with hyper- detailed textures and dramatic lighting that accentuates the bizarre fusion of the natural and technological elements. "