A pop art mixed media collage artwork style of Butcher Billy. Deconstructed, provocative, surreal, intense and chaotic composition. Street art textures, overlapping layers and vibrant retro colours. A punk stencil photocopy print of a magazine image of a giant squid kraken sea monster waiting at the bottom of a deep ocean. Print errors, halftone dots. grungy ink marks, print registration errors. Overlaying this and partially covering it are layered sections of repetitive brightly coloured dots spraypainted in Yayoi Kusama style- smears and spray. Torn vintage photos of human bones, skull- and- crossbones, and the number "13" glued to the layers. These, along with layers of paint splattered and dripping break up the outline. On the top layer are rough hand- drawn shapes, abstract patterns and love hearts scrawled heavy- handedly in blue biro and Sharpie marker