A full- body, hyper- textured pencil and charcoal cross- hatched sketch rendered in mixed media, with rich blacks, Indian yellow, and blood- red hues blending into ornate details. The central figure is a powerful and realistic woman with flowing reddish- black hair and intense dark eyes, a large raven perched on her left shoulder with its wings folded back. This black- and- white sketch features intricate details against a clean white background. Designed as a high- resolution (8k) matte painting with a fantastical atmosphere, this piece is ideal for splash screens and fantasy concept art. Complementary colors create striking contrasts within the intricate details, embodying a style that echoes the work of Aaron Horkey and Lee Bogle, with the refined brushstrokes reminiscent of Louis Marie de Schryver and Jacob van Ruisdael. Beauty in Neon Vibes A striking, futuristic woman with intricate facial tattoos and vibrant blue skin features. Her intense gaze and detailed body art are set against a colorful neon backdrop