Classic comic strip style, portrait shot of a boy sitting in a chrome and black leather barber's chair facing the viewer. He is getting his hair cut in an old fashioned barbershop, the room has dark mahogany hardwood floors and walls, and every wall is covered with framed pictures and newspaper articles. The boy is looking at the viewer, he is startled in his seat, a wide- eyed horrified expression. (Right half of head is buzzed), the left half of the boy's hair is long. The boy is wearing wearing a T- shirt and blue jeans, he is holding a cellphone with a CivitAI logo on it. A speech bubble above the boy reads "Wait! That's not what I meant!". The barber is out of frame, but his arms reach in from the side to buzz the boy's hair. A title banner runs across the bottom of the image with bold text reading "Careful Where You Ask For Buzz. "