A hyper- stylized, extremely detailed image of an old prospector, his face a picture of comical exaggeration. He's holding a vial filled with little golden thunderbolt symbols, which seem to be radiating a glow. His eyes are wide with a crazed, manic intensity, and his mouth is agape, revealing a mouthful of missing teeth. His mouth is wide open as he exclaims "I've Gots The Buzz Fever", his words emblazoned in bold, glowing golden letters above his head. The prospector's expression is a perfect blend of excitement, madness, and hilarity, as if he's just discovered the secret to harnessing the power of lightning. The vial is adorned with colorful, swirly patterns, and the thunderbolts inside seem to be glowing with an otherworldly energy. The overall effect is one of absurd, zany humor, like a scene from a Looney Tunes cartoon. highest- Quality, intricate details, visually stunning, Masterpiece