A hyper- stylized image of a spooky church, its roof bent under the weight of thick, red oily clouds that seem to be suffocating the structure. A line of see- through ghostly forms, each one a translucent, glowing mist, are heading into the church, one by one. As they approach the doorway, a large statue with a face that is censored with a pixilated blur, as if to conceal its true identity, judges each ghostly form. The statue's body is a dark, foreboding presence, with intricate, Gothic carvings that seem to writhe and twist in the flickering candlelight. The ghostly forms are each unique, with different shapes and sizes, but all share a sense of longing and trepidation as they approach the church. The background is a deep, foreboding red, with a few subtle, glowing accents that add to the overall sense of spooky, supernatural atmosphere. The statue's pixilated blur is a bold, graphic element that adds to the sense of mystery and intrigue, as if the church is hiding secrets that are too terrible to be revealed. highest- Quality, intricate details, visually stunning, Masterpiece