A hyper- stylized image of a spooky church, its roof bent under the weight of thick, red oily clouds that seem to be suffocating the structure. A line of see- through ghostly forms, each one a translucent, glowing mist, are heading into the church, one by one. As they approach the doorway, a large statue with a stern, judgmental face, carved from dark, foreboding stone, judges each ghostly form. The statue's eyes seem to bore into the souls of the ghosts, as if searching for hidden secrets and unseen sins. The ghostly forms are each unique, with different shapes and sizes, but all share a sense of longing and trepidation as they approach the church. The background is a deep, foreboding red, with a few subtle, glowing accents that add to the overall sense of spooky, supernatural atmosphere. The statue's face is a masterwork of Gothic horror, with intricate, twisted carvings that seem to come alive in the flickering candlelight. highest- Quality, intricate details, visually stunning, Masterpiece