“A hyper- realistic, 3- dimensional full- figure photograph of a woman wearing a highrise mask with an exaggerated, wide, ecstatic smile and small, devilish horns curving from the sides. The mask, devoid of a nose or eyes, radiates unsettling joy, contrasting with the tattooed stars decorating her face. She stands confidently, striking a dynamic pose while sweetly kissing another woman beside her, who also wears a highrise mask with a similar ecstatic expression. In the foreground, two intercontinental missiles cruise by: one prominently displaying a large USA flag attached to its end, and the other showcasing an Iran flag, symbolizing contrasting power dynamics. Shot with Panavision aspherical lenses at 40mm, the scene is illuminated by cinematic studio lights, emphasizing the contours of the figures. A soft red, low diffuse light glows from behind, enhancing the three- dimensional effect, while light greenish fog and white smoke swirl around them in layered wisps against a pitch- black background. Above the figures, bold glowing neon letters follow a slightly fuzzy path, proclaiming ‘MAKE LOVE DON’T MAKE WAR, ’ adding a dynamic and rebellious energy to the surreal, immersive atmosphere. ”