Create a fake CGI Pixar style movie poster by Disney, the pixar style movie poster has a cartoon man with dark yellow skin who is floating in the air, the words "PC MASTER RACE" can be seen writren in the image above his head in a bold large clear font, he is wearing a V- cut loose white shirt, white trousers and has majestic flowing long white hair and golden sunglasses, he is smirking confidently while flexing his arms, he has a golden halo, the ground is being torn apart from his mere presence, the background is bright yellow with a gigantic white PC case with RGB lights towering over the horizon, in the left corner there is a man in blue clothes cowering in fear. And in the right corner there is a man in green clothes cowering in fear. The movie poster has vivid colors and is despite its silliness very well rendered and extremely detailed, at the bottom are the names of fake actors usually seen on movie posters in cinema, including a fake release date in 2025