In the dark, foul- smelling basement of his mom's house, thick smoke from a hookah coils through the air, lingering near the ceiling and filling the room with a murky haze. A skinny, pale guy about 25 years old with a patchy facial hair, absolutely caked with snack crumbs, slouches in his creaky, sweat- stained chair. His "Legend of Zelda" hoodie speckled with chips, crumbs, and grease stains, like he’s wearing the aftermath of every snack binge he’s had this week. he hammers away at an RGB keyboard, his fingers orange from nonstop Cheetos action, while his custom gaming pc glows in rainbow colors. His smudged glasses constantly slip down his face, barely holding on as he clicks through another mind- numbing gaming session. Posters of anime girls, plaster the grimy walls, unopened collector's figurines stacked beside them like dusty relics of a life he's never gonna have