(Illustrate Hydrokinetic Whales, a majestic, intelligent alien species residing in the deep oceans of Europa. These enormous, whale- like beings have smooth, sleek bodies, with bioluminescent patterns running along their flanks. Their skin is a mix of dark blues and silvers, shimmering in the faint underwater light. Equipped with large, fin- like appendages and glowing, fractal markings, they use powerful hydrokinetic abilities to manipulate water currents, allowing them to control their environment and communicate across vast distances. In the background, depict their underwater cities, organically shaped structures that float gently in the dark abyss. These cities resemble enormous, fluid, dome- like forms crafted from a smooth, pressure- resistant material that blends seamlessly with the deep ocean. The architecture is integrated with the surrounding environment, with large, transparent domes revealing complex ecosystems within, lit by soft bioluminescent lights. The cities pulse with energy, connected by long, glowing conduits that stretch out like the tentacles of a jellyfish. The deep ocean scene is dark and vast, illuminated by the shimmering architecture and the Hydrokinetic Whales as they swim gracefully through the alien landscape. The lighting creates an epic, cinematic effect, with rays of light from Europa's icy surface filtering through the water, casting an ethereal glow over the entire scene