It is noon, deep in the jungle where a dead giant slim bipedal futuristic robot is sitting down on his butt, head fallen down towards his chest and one knee up. There's a huge circular power reactor in it's chest, although it's been centuries since it was active. It's fallen in combat, completely overgrown and rusted. There's hundreds of vines and foliage on top of the robot, which is embedded into the scenery after being dead for centuries. There are scaffolding around parts of his body and salvage teams are in place removing parts of his armor. The robots intricate machinery can be seen in certain areas where it's been damaged or cut open by looters. Lots of intricate details, haze and smoke in the area. There are camps and merchandise booths setup around the robots feet. 30- 40 people are moving on or around the robot and is actively working to strip parts. The entire area is seen from a drone from above, showcasing the impact the robot's death had on the area