In a breathtaking, hyper- realistic image, a grizzly bear's face is rendered in exquisite detail, with glow- in- the- dark face paint applied in a bold, tribal pattern. The paint glows with an intense, fiery orange light, illuminating the surrounding fur and casting a fierce, primal glow on the bear's rugged features. The bear's eyes seem to blaze with a fierce, wild intensity, as if it's channeling the raw power of the wilderness. The glow- in- the- dark paint is rendered in precise, photorealistic detail, with subtle texture and shading that creates a sense of depth and dimensionality. The surrounding darkness is pitch black, making the glowing paint seem even more vibrant and electrifying, as if the bear's face is radiating a fierce, inner light. Highest- Quality, 4k, intricate details, visually stunning, Masterpiece