In a shocking move, mr. Owlfail leaves the content of the image entirely up to fate, opting to not describe the image itself but instead lamenting about the woes of authorship in AI generated art. Since anyone can take the prompt and recreate a similar image, how much does each person contribute creatively to the creation of their respective versions of the image? Certainly the original creator of the prompt provides their creativity in it, but this effort is indistinguishable between the countless variants. Whoever puts in the sweat of the brow may very well end up with a superior image even when the prompt is identical, and the weight of this process cannot be discounted either. Yet, neither of these things are recognizable from the resulting art itself. What a disaster! Anyway, mr. Owlfail sincerely hopes at least one of the images he generates with this prompt will be worth posting. If you're reading this message, it should've been alright