In a moonlit forest clearing, two young women in their early twenties stand in eerie contrast. One girl, with silver- white hair and a ghostly pale complexion, wears a white blouse stained with dark red splotches. A simple black five- pointed star adorns her chest, and her eyes glow with a faint but unsettling crimson light, adding an otherworldly calm to her presence. The second girl contrasts sharply: she has jet- black hair and deep tan skin, her dark blouse also blood- stained but blending with the shadows. Her black star is barely visible, and her intense crimson eyes shine with a piercing alertness. Encircling them are twelve wild animals, enhancing the surreal atmosphere. A black panther, almost invisible in the darkness, watches with glowing red eyes. Two owls, perched on shadowy branches, blink their crimson eyes slowly. A large snake, with shimmering blue- black scales, coils around a gnarled branch, its gaze menacing. Both girls hold worn cardboard signs that read, ‘We Come in Peace, ’ scrawled in crude black marker. The signs, stark against the night, create a jarring contrast. Moonlight casts long, shifting shadows on the forest floor, amplifying the haunting and surreal quality of the scene