In the depths of an ancient, mist- shrouded forest, a pale girl with long, flowing silver- white hair stands alone, her blood- streaked white dress stark against the darkness. On her chest, a simple five- pointed star is prominently displayed, its black outline sharp and distinct. Her eyes, glowing with a deep crimson light, stare unblinkingly at the viewer, radiating an eerie, haunting intensity. Surrounding her in a protective formation are twelve wild creatures, each one fierce and ethereal. A sleek black panther prowls silently, its eyes glowing like burning coals. Above her, two ghostly owls hover, their wings barely disturbing the thick mist, their red eyes glowing eerily. A sinuous snake coils around a nearby branch, its blue- black scales catching the light as it fixes its glowing gaze on the intruder. Further back, a spectral stag stands tall and proud, its antlers branching high into the mist, while two lynxes, sleek and agile, move with predatory grace at her sides. Directly in front of her, a large white wolf stands as her closest protector, its intense red eyes reflecting her own. In the girl’s pale hands, she holds a worn cardboard sign with the words ‘We Come in Peace’ scrawled in black marker, a stark contrast to the ominous scene around her. The swampy forest floor, bathed in dim, refracted light, adds to the surreal and unsettling atmosphere, casting long shadows that twist and shift in the fog