BEHOLD moblin, A universe inside a universe within mysteriously unknowable known in an unfathomable realm of fantastic creation inhabited by ancient shadows of a forgotten time beyond the gate of the gateless gate where life is limitless, light is shadow and shadow is light, eerie sense, horror, spark of the beginning, existence and nonexistence at once, ethereal, behold the end of the beginning, inglorious glory to the dark one, betrayal of the ancient order, beware 7headed beast, destroyer of old ways, bearer of unbearable, nightmarish, archaic runes, tree aging backwards, breath of gods, ruins of a place unimagined, extreme intricate detail, photorealistic, beyond epic scene, fate discarded, unseeable face of god, the end is the beginning, the beginning is the end, man arises as god dies, as above so below, as below so above, emerald tablet, thoth, guardian and saboteur of existence, hopeless hope, ghosts of the unborn, conception of the inconceivable, cosmic well of imperceptible perception, evil aura, infinite emptiness, pillars of void, overwhelming subtlety, abstract sacred geometry, beams of readiness without intention, gift of doom, despair of the ages, hidden secret warnings from dead gods, carved by the conductor of unholy loneliness of time incarnate, consumed by the night itself, beautiful tragedy of hellish discovery, unraveling mist of unreal reality, proclaim the nameless name of collapsed eternity, infernal maleficium, flameless fire, astronomical