Imagine a surreal, top- down scene with a close- up of an enormous ancient pocket watch standing upright, its cover open to reveal a magical portal within. The watch's interior is a marvel of intricate mechanisms: gleaming gears, finely crafted cogs, and ornate clock hands that seem frozen in time. These mechanical elements, adorned with glowing runes and delicate vines, pulse softly, as if alive with magic. The portal at the heart of the clock offers a glimpse into a breathtaking landscape where towering mountains loom over a cascading volcano, its lava winding through burned forests. The clock rests on an obsidian floor, its reflective surface mirroring the vibrant glow of the runes and the distant portal light. A crescent moon and twinkling stars cast a dreamlike, mystical glow over the scene, creating an otherworldly atmosphere. Deep reds and blues dominate the color palette, enhancing the fantastical quality. Reflective volumetric lighting and raytracing add depth and realism, while the dark, low- key lighting evokes a sense of adventure and wonder, as if the viewer is drawn into the hidden realm within the clock’s ancient, magical mechanisms