This enormous room has been expertly carved and polished to a smooth finish on all sides. Engraved murals depict the previously decrepit state of Crypt and the timeline of Zhav's'ash's rise to power. The walls show various scenes of Zhav's'ash and his powerful minions as they destroy the Welstarian forces. The room is crowned by a massive dome which is covered in all directions by precious gems, gold and silver leaf, and inscriptions of some ancient text. Zhav's'ash the Master of Death sits upon his throne situated directly in the center of the room and outlined by an ornate seal upon the ground. Zhav's'ash the Master of Death A hulking mass of fungoid life, Zhav's'ash is a sight to behold. Six, insect- like legs hang from his bulbous torso while its wings are slightly more than a hanging film of decaying matter. He does not look at you with any perceivable eyes, rather he seems to detect you with some unnatural sense. Fully assured of his superiority and mastery of this plane, he takes no notice of you at all